
About Us

We’re a 450 person team of passionate OEM product development experts located in Elk River, Minnesota, who specialize in the design and manufacturing of comprehensive accessory product portfolios for powersports, golf, turf, agriculture, and small vehicle OEMs. We help customers squeeze every bit of enjoyment and performance from their vehicles and equipment. And we take pride in doing it.


More than just a statement on the wall, our values actively guide and shape our strategy and direction as a company. At Sportech, we define ourselves through these values:


Authentic character with consistent behavior that honors company standards


Focused effort toward exceptional performance through a bias for action that drives continuous improvement


Enthusiastic commitment that inspires an engaged culture


Corporate creativity that drives clear differentiation


Teamwork that utilizes the unique strengths of others to achieve united results


Our leadership team is comprised of industry veterans with decades of experience in manufacturing.

Jim Glomstad

Jim Glomstad

  • How long have you worked at Sportech?
    • Since October 2010.
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • The passionate and committed people who support a growth and achievement culture.
  • What excites you about your role in the organization?
    • I feel incredibly lucky to work alongside such driven and talented people who are also friends – a dream team in an industry I’m passionate about!
  • Which of Sportech’s core values do you most align with and why?
    • Integrity – It’s foundational and if you get that one right, the rest of them come easier.
  • Who is your favorite sports team?
    • Vikings Fan – Hope Springs Eternal!
  • What is your favorite movie line?
    • “My shoulder doesn’t hurt very much, but my face does. Right here. Not here or here so much – but right here.” – Tommy Boy

Mario Negri
VP of New Product Development

Mario Negri
VP of New Product Development

  • How long have you worked at Sportech?
    • I have been working with Sportech since 2007 (an ‘official’ employee since 2012).
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • The people are, by far and away.
  • What excites you about your role in the organization?
    • I am a product junkie, so having the opportunity to continually work with industry leading OEM’s to develop and bring innovative product to market is a feedback loop that is hard to replace.
  • Which of Sportech’s core values do you most align with and why?
    • It sounds cliché, but I identify with all of the core values, and at Sportech I get the opportunity to live them every day.
  • Who is your favorite sports team?
    • I don’t have one.
  • What is your favorite movie line?
    • “They’ve done studies, you know. 60 percent of the time, it works every time.” – Anchorman

Caleb Hanson
VP of Sales

Caleb Hanson
VP of Sales

  • How long have you worked at Sportech?
    • March 2003.
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • The people we work with are the best! We have such an awesome group of people that come to work here every day. Also, our customers are really fun to work with on a personal level as well – so I find both equally very rewarding.
  • What excites you about your role in the organization?
    • I feel so fortunate that I get to participate in all my favorite areas of the business; customer relationships, working directly with a super talented sales team and serving on the leadership team.  It’s very rewarding to work with so many great people both internally and externally!
  • Which of Sportech’s core values do you most align with and why?
    • My favorite values are Integrity and Attitude – both are very much a choice and foundational to success. Honest, positive people can accomplish great things I think our company embodies that spirit!
  • Who is your favorite sports team?
    • While I’m not extremely passionate about sports – I do follow the Packers due to childhood indoctrination (my folks grew up in Wisconsin)  – I’d say I’m more of an “Anti-Vikings” fan than anything…
  • What is your favorite movie line?
    • I love the scene in Tommy Boy when Chris Farley is in the restaurant and convinces the waitress to turn the fryer back on for wings. I think every sales guy resonates with that movie. “Hey what’s your name?” “Helen.” “You look like a Helen. Let me tell you why I suck as a sales guy.”

Mike Campbell
VP of Operations

Mike Campbell
VP of Operations

  • How long have you worked at Sportech?
    • I joined Sportech in August 2014.
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • The people, passion, innovation and pace of change that is embodied within the organization.
  • What excites you about your role in the organization?
    • I get to work and collaborate with so many different people on a daily basis and I have the opportunity to influence the overall direction of Operations and Sportech.
  • Which of Sportech’s core values do you most align with and why?
    • The core beliefs and values was one of the primary reasons that I joined Sportech. If I had to pick one, integrity is the one that I am most aligned to. It is the foundation for any organization and successful business.
  • Who is your favorite sports team?
    • NY Yankees, Buffalo Bills & Buffalo Sabres.  I have been in MN for 14 years, but grew up in western NY and have been a long time fan off all.  I am a fan of all MN teams as long as they aren’t playing any of my three favorites.
  • What is your favorite movie line?
    • “Cinderalla story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a miracle…It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole!” – Caddyshack

Helen Swanson
VP of Quality & Engineering

Helen Swanson
VP of Quality & Engineering

  • How long have you worked at Sportech?
    • Since January 2018 aka 6 years.
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • I love working at Sportech for its openness to change, collaborative problem-solving, and a dynamic culture that embraces innovative approaches in a fast paced environment.
  • What excites you about your role in the organization?
    • I am excited about assisting the team in acquiring new skills and achieving both personal and professional growth through our work at Sportech.
  • Which of Sportech’s core values do you most align with and why?
    • Collaboration,  I thrive in team settings, value diverse perspectives, and believe that collective effort leads to innovative solutions and successful outcomes.
  • Who is your favorite sports team?
    • Minnesota United FC, “Go Loons!”
  • What is your favorite movie line?
    • “Houston, we have a problem.” (only because “Smash it with a hammer” probably isn’t appropriate 😊)

Sheila Swancutt
VP of Human Resources

Sheila Swancutt
VP of Human Resources

  • How long have you worked at Sportech?
    • I have worked at Sportech since October 2010.
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • The people – they are truly amazing!
  • What excites you about your role in the organization?
    • My role allows me to do what I enjoy doing the most and that is building relationships across the organization. I get to focus on culture, employee relations, training & development programs, benefits offerings, onboarding new team members, employee events and much more.
  • Which of Sportech’s core values do you most align with and why?
    • Although I am a huge fan of all of our core values, my favorite is collaboration. I truly believe we are better together.
  • Who is your favorite sports team?
    • The MN Vikings – as much as it occasionally hurts to admit that!
  • What is your favorite movie line?
    • I’m not really into movies, however I have the best memories of watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation with my entire family each year at Christmas and this line makes me laugh every time! “Surprised, Eddie?…If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised.” – National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

Kevin Guerrino
VP of Finance

Kevin Guerrino
VP of Finance

  • How long have you worked at Sportech?
    • I came to Sportech in July of 2024.
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • We have a bunch of great people, designing and making cool products, in an exciting industry.
  • What excites you about your role in the organization?
    • Leading finance and IT means being a part of every team in the company which is exciting because I get to see all the creative ways people figure out how to make Sportech keep improving.
  • Which of Sportech’s core values do you most align with and why?
    • Integrity – When you can trust the people you work with to do the right thing, everyone moves in the right direction and the team can accomplish more.
  • Who is your favorite sports team?
    • Each of the teams that my four boys play on.
  • What is your favorite movie line?
    • “You’re killin’ me, Smalls” – The Sandlot



Sportech was founded on a simple idea and a passion for snowmobiling. The creative spark behind Sportech – the Lightshield – transformed us from a garage-based company to one that has produced a lineup of revolutionary products that have changed the powersports landscape. Innovation and passion started this company and it remains the lifeblood that fuels us today.

  • March 1993


    Dallas Carlson creates first Lightshield prototype in his garage.

  • September 1995


    The best-selling Cobra Flared Windshields are introduced and change snowmobile windshield design forever

  • November 1998

    Four Seasons

    Rapid growth continues as Sportech diversifies with ATV Windshields that feature the first “Quick Release” mounting hardware.

  • October 2002

    New Products

    UTV Market shows early growth, Sportech begins developing windshields and roofs.

  • January 2004

    Cab Systems

    Designed and introduced the first complete UTV Cab Enclosure for the Polaris Ranger.

  • October 2008

    Moving Up

    Built and moved into new, state-of-the-art 96,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility with approximately 75 employees.

  • July 2012

    Even More Expansion

    Expanded manufacturing and assembly footprint to 150,000 sq. ft. and completed transition to 100% tier-one OEM business model.

  • January 2014

    Higher Learning

    Sportech Leadership Academy launched, addressing need to develop employees.

  • March 2016

    Diversification Continues

    New state-of-the-art manufacturing and assembly facility constructed, bringing total footprint to over 200,000 sq. ft.

  • December 2017


    Sportech wraps up the year with 260 employees and 18 major OEM accounts in 4 industries.